Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Those of you who've been reading this blog for a while would know that about 7 months back I mentioned that my car broke down and I ended up shelling out over 3 grand to have the engine reconditioned. I was told that this should keep it running well for at least a few more years. Well a couple of days ago on my way back from work, it broke down again. Dead as a dodo. We had to get it towed and expect it to be the internal computer that's kicked it. We can't afford a new car right now, and I'm worried about the expense of having it fixed. Everything else in life was going so well, that I should've expected something like this.

In better news, our annoying neighbour and her kids moved out a couple of weeks back. I think they were evicted actually. The new ones are a young couple who we haven't met, but I hope they'll be less bothersome.

Friday, February 23, 2007

The dreaded Huntsman.

If you are in or around our garage area at night, you are likely to see our huge (about the size of my hand with it's legs out) friendly neighbourhood huntsman spider. Now, as long as it stays the hell away from me and makes no attempts to enter our house, I'm ok with it it living. The dog sleeps in the garage too and hasn't complained about this other guest, so he/she must be alright. Come to think of it, the dog doesn't talk so if he did have a problem, it'd be hard to communicate it to me. But I digress.

The other night I was leaving work at 11:00pm and went out to the, by then empty carpark. As I was unlocking the door I glance at the roof of the car and there staring me in the face was the huntsman spider. As it was in the middle of the roof, the idea of trying to flick it off would have been a risky one, as these suckers can move pretty fast. As I already had the door open I quickly got in and had the stupid thought that maybe if the car was going fast enough it would fly off. Yeah right, as if an eight legged creature that can climb vertical surfaces and create sticky web is really going to have trouble moving about on my car. As I drove off I was very lucky I didn't crash on the way home cause every few seconds I was turning around to keep an eye on every window of the car. A short way into the journey I did see it crawling down the back window towards the boot. Long story short, I made it home safely and using my electric side mirrors to check the sides of my car I managed to leap out and close the door behind me without another sight of the horrid arachnid. The next day (in daylight) I checked the boot, but couldn't see it. Now I am filled with the dread that the awful beast has made it's nest somewhere in the innards of my vehicle. Anyone want to buy a 92 Magna with possible spider infestation?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

White trash review

I really feel sorry for Britney Spears. Recently she went into rehab for one day, came out of rehab, shaved her head, went out with a silly wig on and then checked back into rehab again. Poor moppit, if I've been married to K-Fed I'd probably go a bit crazy too. I can only imagine that the shaving of her head was because she'd already flashed the world her other shaved bits after getting out of a cab with no underwear on, and so was making a statement. I don't judge her though and hope she can get her crap together and start acting like a normal mother to her kids. She doesn't need to try and be a Paris Hilton wannabe and hang around with jerks. If only she'd met a great guy like me when I was single. Maybe she could have helped me out with my fledgling rap career?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Oh no, not him again!

In spite of popular demand, I've returned to blogging. Seriously I was getting hundreds of emails a day begging me to post about something, anything........would you believe 10's of emails a about an SMS and and a wrong number on my mobile. Nevertheless I'm back and well rested, kinda. I've actually been pretty busy with work, practicing and designing new magic effects, training and avoiding all the nappie changes that I can.

I did take a week off from work to have some family time, but it was during the school holidays, so when we went to places like the Aquarium or the Zoo, the place was swarming with other peoples hatchlings, prams, and worst of all, other people themselves. I'll write about our Aquarium visit in another post, cause it was that much fun, and I don't want to cram all my banal anecdotes into my first piece.

Suprisingly, even though I'm doing more work (extra shifts due to others holidays), our workdays have really quietened down recently. Partly cause the rubes are becoming a little more use to the system and also because we have written some scripts and programs to make our job easier. I had a very nice pay packet this month in part for my butt busting ( to get money to prepare for the next child and some big bills) , but also I received extra pay for some of the public holidays I will have to work (the bane of shift work). So all is ok on the financial front...for a little while at least. We ain't rich, but as I get paid monthly it's good not to be too worried about whether we'll be struggling just before the next pay day.

The wife is big as a house and still has a couple of months to go. She's completely over it and mostly we have to sleep in separate beds cause she has to get up numerous times during the night and that kinda makes sleeping hard for me. We find ourselves apologising a lot to each other these days. Her, because of hormonal outbursts and me because she doesn't get my damn dinner on the table in time........kidding! I just get frustrated and feel helpless sometimes, not that I would ever want to be pregnant.

It's good to be back. Anyone thinking about a blog rest, I can recommend it!