Friday, November 09, 2007

Nice driving a**hole!

It’s been a while since I’ve made any social commentaries, so I’ll start with something simple. Driving. How some people managed to get a drivers license, is beyond me. I realize that some road rules can be confusing and difficult to follow, but F.F.S. driving is not rocket science. Let me share with you some of my favourite peeves….

1. You are sitting in your car at a red traffic light and have maybe 3 or 4 cars in front of you. Surely the second the light goes green, everyone in the lane can put their foot on the accelerator and start to move forwards. Apparently not. In most cases you see the light go green and have time to ponder to yourself why some people’s neural impulses take 30-40 seconds to travel from their brain to their foot! The formula is simple, when your light is green, move your fricken car forwards!!

2. Even if there is no one particularly close to my car, I’ll indicate that I am going to change lanes. I DO NOT just suddenly, and without warning, start to drift into another lane. Apparently there are many people whoever fail to recognize that the roads were not build for them and will happily glide in front of your car without a single blink of their indicator. These same people also occasionally decide that driving on the white lines separating lanes is the way to go. I oughta nunchaku their arses!

3. People who have sound systems that cost as much as their car should realize that not everyone appreciates their taste in music.
I was sitting in my office at work the other day that is probably 15 metres or so, back from the road, when some genius drives by on the main road with his speakers up so loud that I could clearly hear the song in the building I was in. And worse still, I could actually feel the reverberations of the bass from where I was sitting. I could only wonder to myself, how bad that driver’s hearing must be to have to have his music up so loud.

There is a game on the Xbox called Full Auto, where you have cars with weapons such as rocket launchers and machine guns attached to them. I like to play it and imagine the other drivers are some of the people who exhibit the above tendencies.


Blogger luckyluke said...

My biggest pet peeve on the roads is when you are travelling on a single-lane road, which branches out to two lanes at an intersection before immediately merging to one lane again after the intersection. While these are a blessing when someone is doing a right-turn, I HATE people who just use it to jump ahead in the queue. You wouldn't do it in a bank...don't do it on the roads!!!

3:00 PM  
Blogger Javatari said...

luckyluke, that actually doesn't bother me too much, cause I'd rather have some psycho overtaking me, than sitting on my rear bumper.

2:04 AM  
Blogger BEVIS said...

You tell 'em, dude!

7:38 PM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Bevis, I thought I just did.

11:37 PM  

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