Friday, June 30, 2006

Pointless advertising

There are a series of ads on tv at the moment about insurance for old people that feature a panel discussion. This is a stupid concept for a number of reasons and it just shits me in general. Firstly they have the spokes person sitting in the middle and on either side of her are a couple of B/C grade celebrities from at least 10 years ago. I believe the idea is that because they are old they might make the insurance company look more credible. The ads run in a series over time which is even weirder cause the ‘celebrities’ seem to change and often only one of them makes a (lame) comment/joke in each ad while the other 3 just sit there (waiting for their paycheck presumably) doing nothing. Whoever suggested to the company that a 30 second ad utilizing a panel discussion format was a good idea, should be smacked upside the head.


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