Friday, June 23, 2006

Krispy Kreme Krud

The other day was the grand opening of the first Krispy Kreme donut franchise in the state of Victoria, in the land of Oz. This was first brought to my attention by fellow blogger BEVIS. For some reason the KK people decided to open this store in the middle of nowhere, in a sleepy suburb called Narre Warren. So having the day off myself, I packed the wife and rug rat into the car for the 30-40 minute drive down there. Now let me say that I expected it to be a bit busy on the opening day, so left in the early afternoon hoping that the morning fatty’s would have gorged themselves enough and have rolled home by then (not that I have anything against overweight people). Unfortunately I had greatly underestimated the number of greedy SOB’s out there. So when the store came within sight of our car, I noticed the massive line of traffic in front of us and the huge queue of people lined up (a good hour or two wait at least) snaking around outside the store. Being a crowd hater from way back and after a short discussion with the missus we decided to turn around and drive 20 minutes back in the other direction where we stopped at another shopping centre and enjoyed custard filled donuts at a normal donut shop. Then feeling a little sick, but still hungry we followed that up with some sushi. Hmmmm donuts and sushi, together at last. I said to the wife that we would have to venture out to Krispy Kreme some other time, to which she replied, ‘You really are a fat bastard.’


Blogger BEVIS said...

Very funny! After all my carryings-on over recent months about the first Victorian Krispy Kreme store and everything, I didn't even bother to venture out there myself.

By the sounds of it, they didn't miss me.

I, too, plan to go someday ... but not while the queues are still two hours plus! Hopefully they'll begin plans soon to open more stores in more convenient locations (so fat bastards like you and me can gorge ourselves silly to our <rapidly failing> hearts' content).

2:15 AM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Bevis - Will you be the one pushing me out of the way to get to the front of the queue? ;-)

5:14 AM  

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