Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I have a confession to make...I recently created a Facebook account! But it's ok, cause I could only stand it for just over a week before I deactivated it. A friend in the real world had been pestering me for a while about joining up and I'd told him how I wasn't into it. It was his telling me that you could play chess with other facebookers that finally made me cave and have a look at it (I haven't played in a while and am a geek at heart ok!). In spite of the silly little games you can play, my dislike for the site quickly grew and in a spur of the moment decision (that I stand by), I deactivated my account leaving my many (I think it was 3) friends shocked and dumbfounded.

I'm not exactly sure why, but as soon as I signed up, I just felt really dirty. Aesthetically the site is crap, but that's not my main gripe. It's that vibe that Myspace has, of lots of people desperate to collect friends to show off how popular they think they are that irritates me. I know that not every person who uses it does it for that purpose, but it just seems like a waste of time to me. If I'm dealing with my friends I like to do so in person or verbally on the phone, not through little comments on a wall, or back and forth messaging. I know even blogging gets like that for some people, but certainly no one can accuse me of trying to be popular. ;)


Blogger Steph said...

Thank you for putting into words exactly why I have neither a fakebook or Myspazz page. Once upon a time people collected stamps, now they collect "friends".

8:45 PM  
Blogger luckyluke said...

Ahhh, the sweet smell of hypocrisy.

Javatari and Steph, one of you must explain to me how the act of visiting a number of blogs and often leaving token, inane comments on other people's blogs so that they will add you to their blogroll (or COLLECTION OF FRIENDS if you will) and comment on your own blog and make you look more POPULAR is radically different to having gathering (or 'collecting') your friends into an online hub where you can chat and just have a bit of gentle fun with some of the many and varied applications on offer...especially with friends who are living overseas or who it is hard to often see.

And if Facebook users merely collect friends for their own insecure or egotistical reasons, the premise of blogging is just as egotistical (thinking your opinions/stories/rants are so interesting that the rest of the world must hear them).

As you rightly say Javatari, not everyone uses Facebook and Blogger for these reasons and I'm not necessarily accusing you and Steph of doing it on Blogger as I hope neither of you will accuse me of doing so on Facebook, but to come on here and try to make some elitist argument that Blogger is where all the urbane people play is simply absurd.

As someone who uses Facebook and Blogger, I honestly like both of them and do not mean this as a knock on Blogger as that would be hypocritical of me. But if this blog is going to turn into some sort of tapioca fantasia where you and like-minded souls carry on like this, then count me out!!!

Perhaps, in the future, if you try new things with an open mind rather than a preconceived notion, you may enjoy life a little more

Proud Facebook User
83 friends and counting... :P

PS. And I was three moves away from taking your queen, jerk!!!!

PPS. Steph, your Facebook invite is in the mail.

11:07 PM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Steph, to each their own I suppose. Those sites just aren't for urban, intelligent people like us. ;)

Luckyluke, you are a tapioca fantasia! If I didn't know you are a 38 year old man still living with his parents I might take your opinion more seriously. ;p Now go collect more friends quick!

11:37 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

I have a facebook page only to keep in touch with friends who are far away from high school..But it is sort of lame all the fucking applications they have now added and blah blah

10:00 PM  

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