Saturday, December 02, 2006

Oh joy, it's nearly christmas

I have mixed feelings about Christmas this year. It'll be good cause our daughter will be nearly 15 months and beginning to appreciate that this is a different time of year with fun stuff going on. Also good as I've bought my wife some perfume and a trumpet (it's ok cause she doesn't read my blog). The trumpet, cause although she already has one, it's pretty old and battered, which affects the sound of it and I don't think she's ever had a new one. Obviously she is also able to play the damn thing quite well, otherwise it would be a complete waste of money and would merely annoy me as she learned how to use it.

I got an Xbox 360 earlier in the year and stated that I didn't really need anything for Christmas cause of that treat. But the wife (bless her) still wanted to get me stuff. Hey, who am I to stop her! We realise that pretty much from next year on all the present money will be spent on the kids, so it's the end of self indulgent presents for us.

The other sucky thing will be the annoying transit between my family and the wife's family for two dinners. As I don't eat a great deal in general, having two huge meals forced upon me kinda makes me feel a bit ill. They both want to see their only grandchild, so it's not much of a choice to try and get out of one of them. As punishment I'm going to subject them to one of my semi annual magic shows. That'll teach em.


Blogger Cinders said...

You gonna pull a rabbit out of a hat??? My hubby does the same thing. Buys a mega purchase and says that will cover birthday, anniverary, Xmas, Valentines, whatever, knowing that he'll still score a pressie from me anyway!! Oh hang on,wait - no! that's me.... have a great week.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Linda, great minds think alike!

I don't have a rabbit, so they will probably have to make do with some card magic.

3:12 AM  

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