Friday, October 27, 2006

Some Spiders Are Our Friends

I've hired some spiders. I rent them out space on the roof of our toilet. Well they don't actually pay any rent, but neither do they drop on my head when I'm in there either, so we're square. They do some work though. We have a minor problem with silverfish and it's not uncommon to find one or two running along the bathroom floor or in a sink early in the morning. The spiders however eat the silverfish, or at least suck the nutrients out of their bodies, leaving lifeless husks, which are much easier to pick up with a vaccum. The only spiders I don't like are the vigilantees. Big, fat, poisionous to humans varieties, such as wolf spiders or the dreaded white tail. These often crawl on clothing, or along the floor and I'm certain they actually try and hunt humans. Cute daddy long legs or any other non threatening species are ok by me. So give a spider a job.


Blogger Steph said...

Um excuse me. As someone who has been bitten by a harmless Daddy Long Legs, let me tell you. It friggin hurt.

Yes they bite, and if they were bigger they'd be a real danger to humans.

It felt like a million little pin pricks on my toe.
I shit you not!!

Death to all spiders!!!

5:16 PM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Steph, haha, only YOU could be bitten by the worlds most harmless to humans spider! ;-)

5:19 PM  

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