Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm a fruity gardener

At the risk of sounding older than my 31 years, I have to say that I rather enjoy gardening. When we bought our house, I was able to put in a vegetable garden and have gained a strange sense of satisfaction from tending to and eating the stuff I've grown. So far we've had lettuces, radishes, snow peas, normal peas, celery and a couple of potatoes from the garden. Two more recent plants that I put in were a strawberry and a raspberry plant. So it was with great joy that I ate the first raspberry of the season a few days ago and happily watched as the second was soon to grow to fruition. Also the first strawberry was almost ripe as well.

Now flash back to yesterday, it was a public holiday in my state of Victoria, but because of my contract I still had to work and worse still, I wasn't getting paid any extra. This put me in a bad place to start with, so I dealt with the day in the apathetic mood that it deserved. When finally it was over with, I was happy to go home to my beautiful wife and daughter. It was there that I received the worst news of all....the nearly ripe raspberry and strawberry were gone! Birds had swept in past our large and useless guard dog and taken them! As I went out to witness the horror for myself, music from several war films was running through my head. How dare those feathered finks take crops that I had put my blood, sweat and tears (not literally) into! Due to the difficulty, legality and environmental concerns associated with killing off all birds in the region I had to combat these avian adversaries though other means. And how did I do this? Well, using all the ingenuity I could muster, I put small plastic bags around the remaining unripe fruit. Let's see them take those off with their pitiful talons. The moral of this story is that you should never come between Javatari and his fruity garden!


Blogger luckyluke said...

Would you like for me to send over my dad's building plans for 'The Dome'???

And I think your lawn could do with some attention from what I've seen...

1:09 AM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Luckyluke, I'm sure I'll see your dad at the next Bunnings Appreciation Society meeting. ;-)
As for the lawn, due to water restrictions, there ain't much I can do about that.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

Build a scarecrow.
Sheesh, even I know that much!

8:41 PM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Steph, after the effort of lugging soil, constructing a barrier to keep the soil in and then another barrier to attempt to keep the idiot dog out, I can't be stuffed building a scarecrow!

11:07 PM  

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