Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Joys of Moving

Everyone knows the horror of moving house and the annoyance of just moving stuff around. Although I didn't have to move house, I did have to move rooms recently, and all because of that baby. Oh she'd been eyeing off my study ever since she was born! Or more accurately her old room which was still fairly bright in the evening had become increasingly more so since the introduction of daylight saving and its accursed extra hour of daylight. I mean who but God has the right to go meddling with time like that?! So what if it was getting darker or lighter earlier...or whatever the hell it was doing, just let it be. Anyway my study was the darkest room in the house which suited my nefarious purposes and it was also bigger than the baby's room. But 'she who must be obeyed' had the bright idea of switching the baby's room with my study so that bubs might be able to go to sleep earlier. As this was somewhat aligned with my goals (eg. baby asleep = chance of action), I agreed. Then I remembered that the baby's bed does not fit through the doorway and needed to be disassembled....also that for a 13 month old, she has a lot of junk...also that I have a lot of junk, two desks, a bookcase filled with heavy books, a big TV, a set of drawers and various other small bits of furniture. In short after a long day with the baby at the in-laws and my reassembling the baby's bed, only to find that my wife had misplaced a screw, my finding it and having to reassemble part of it again, I can't be stuffed ever moving anything again.

Also, I still haven't gotten any action! (Ah, who am I kidding, I'm too tired anyway)

* Javatari's bad joke of the week (true story) --> I was driving past this chinese restaurant today called Sha Tin. I thought to myself, "I really wouldn't want to dine there. After all, who wants to eat in a place that's been ShaTin." Boom-Tish!!


Blogger Steph said...

Good lord! Give up the jokes. Disgraceful. ;)

4:37 PM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Steph, surely you know that once you become a dad there is a law that state you must make at least 5 bad jokes a week.

Admit it, you laughed. ;-)

7:33 PM  

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