Thursday, April 26, 2007

The trials and tribulations of babies.

I won't go into a whole lot of detail about the birth of our son, apart from to say that at just over 9 pounds, it wasn't easy for my wife to push him out. As a guy, I must say that the toughest part of the pregnancy was hearing my wife yell out in pain at the contractions and effort of the pushing. It is not the most pleasant thing to hear, or feel I'm sure! When you see a doctor stiching up the incision that had to be made in your partners genitals to get the baby out, you wonder just how 'natural' the process really is.

Last night, was our first night at home with the new baby, whom we have named Jake. Our daughter went to stay with the wife's parents in the evening. Although Jake was very quiet during the day, at night he became pretty restless and started crying a lot. Mostly when one or both of us were nearly asleep. Thankfully it wasn't too difficult to settle him though.

Cut to 3:30am, when the wife's folks ring and tell us our daughter had woken, was crying and they couldn't settle her. Figuring she was homesick they kindly dropped her back at our place. She actually had the sniffles and pretty much woke up crying roughly every hour until the morning proper. Normally she sleeps through the night without any trouble, but for only the second time in her nearly 19 months we had to sleep her between us, cause it was just too frustrating to keep getting up to settle her. I think the wife and I got about between and hour or two of sleep the whole night. At 7:00am, she sent me to the shops to get some formula and baby bottles cause although she'd intended to exclusively breast feed, her nipples were already in extreme pain. I picked up a couple of danishes, some muffins, red bull and ice cream, just for good measure though.

I'm glad we have the support of family and friends who are sometimes annoying in the amount of times they all ring to see if there is anything they can do, but it is appreciated. Jake has been very sleepy today, so we can only hope that remains so tonight as well. I fear we're in for another sleepless night though.


Blogger luckyluke said...

Hey Javatari,

Can I come around and stay the night on Saturday night? I really want to watch the final of the world cup, but am scared I will keep nodding off. I need something to keep me awake and your two precocious brats sound perfect!!! ;)


5:14 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

Sounds like you guys are jumping right in with the new baby. You know Lanolin really helps with the sore, chaffed nipples and it won't affect the baby. You should get your wife a tube of that with the danishes. I hope your next night of sleep is more peaceful.

And yes, I have heard that pushing out a 9lb baby is not always that comfortable.

11:38 PM  
Blogger Javatari said...

luckyluke, are you talking about the final of the netball world cup? Or one of the other effeminate sports you're interested in?

And didn't I ban you from this blog! ;)

Kris, Isn't Lanolin the oil from sheeps wool? We'll keep an eye out for it though. Jake is getting into better sleeping patterns, but has a hunger spurt in the late evenings which is pretty annoying, cause that's when we want to put our feet up. Thankfully my wife has a lot more patience than me.

7:31 PM  
Blogger BEVIS said...


5:26 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

I wouldn't imagine you have a lot of patience breast feeding..then wifey wouldn't be the only one with sore nipples.

12:20 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby! How awesome! A boy and a girl, that's pretty much the jackpot.

6:06 AM  

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