Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Uni blues

I started my second semester uni subject a couple of weeks ago and it's the last subject of the third degree I actually intend to complete. After this (as long as I pass) I have sworn off formal study for at least 10 years. Ever since I left high school (93) I have been involved in some sort of tertiary study. I can safely say that after all these years of cramming my brain full of uni level information, I don't think I'm much smarter. If anything my mind is less....um, good at thinky stuff. I still hate assignments, I still despise exams, I think most lecturers are one dimensional bores and I have paid thousands and thousands of dollars to find this out. When I ask myself why I put myself though all those missed lectures or drawing pictures of naked women while pretending to take notes at the lectures I did attend, I struggle for a good answer. Ultimately I reckon that for the most part it beats working...well apart for the not getting paid bit. When you do enter the workforce employers look at a good degree as though it is some sort of holy grail, but many of the people I know who have decent degrees are not necessarily the best workers. Anyone with a lot of cash, a dash of intelligence and who's willing to put in a semi-decent effort can get just about any type of degree, but does that make them good at a certain job??? I'm not bashing education as a whole, but most of what I've learnt at uni I could have sat down with a few text books and taught myself for considerably less cost. Of course, at the end of that I wouldn't have had a piece of paper from a fine tertiary institution.


Blogger Steph said...

I'm a uni graduate. Hard to believe i know. Most people find it hard to fathom.
I've taken to carrying around my final exam results and degree to prove it.
Sad. But true.

5:19 AM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Steph, a degree from the 'Ponds Institute' is not a real degree. ;-)

6:49 AM  
Blogger BEVIS said...



I'm still absent from the blogosphere for family / house-painting reasons, but I've jumped online quickly to ask if you saw or taped Battlestar Galactica last night? (I hope you got my cunningly-disguised message in Week 4 of Big Blogger ...)

I saw the beginning (while 24 was still being taped on the other channel), then switched over to let it record the rest of it so I could turn off the TV (my brother's sleeping on the couch in the TV room, so I had to set-and-forget). Hopefully I'll get to watch the second half of it soon.

So I'm not asking you for the tape or offering you mine ... I'm just interested to know if you saw it.


Speak to you soon.

7:52 AM  
Blogger Javatari said...

Bevis, I didn't even know that Battlestar was back on TV! I have seen very little of the box recently and was working till midnight last night anyway. I'd like to see it, so may have to find other means to get a copy of it if you don't have the full episode. I saw your reference in BBlogger to the show, but just thought it was a throwback private joke to the old discussions we use to have.

8:05 PM  

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